No, your eyes aren't deceiving you. The subtitle of the second Prinny game, which will hit store shelves and PSN this January, actually includes the words "Dawn of Operation Panties."

Why? Well, as the titular Prinny, "your mission ... is to find the precious panties of Demon Lord Etna," according to the wackadoos at Atlus. "Yes, you have to search for Etna’s panties, or Etna ... will skin all Prinnies and make them into panties!"
I don't know about you, but this game just got added to my (ever-growing) "to buy" list.
Turbosweet! I loved the first game (it was one of my proudest moments in gaming when I beat it) so I would have wanted it even if it didn't pantied out.
Oh, good for you! I've heard it's a *really* hard game.
It is, that's why I felt so good finishing it. :) But you have 1.000 lives so, it's more a question of how many lifes you have left when you clear it instead of if. But I've heard of many gamers who never reached the end so.. Maybe I'm just a little bit better than the vast majority of gamers out there? Yeah, I'll leave it at that, it must be true.
Well, I've definitely heard people say they weren't able to finish it even with 1,000 lives (!!).
I think the sequel will have a regular (hard) mode and a "baby" mode, though :)
Well, that sounds like the kind of game I'd like to play! Cheers to games that don't take themselves seriously!
That seems to be a theme on here this week, doesn't it? (Games that don't take themselves too seriously.)
Oh i remember the first one , it was so fun to play :3
those penguins are so cute :3
i'm hoping to buy a psp again from ebay, and play patapon locoroco and prinny again :3
So, you had a PSP but then got rid of it? And now you want it again? You sound like me!
I still have to buy a game for my PSP :( Actually, I'd have bought ClaDun, but we recently got a new wireless router and I can't figure out how to get my game systems back on line again.
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