Well, new-and-supposedly-improved versions of those much-maligned ads have found their way back onto the Interwebs--and to my eyes they're just as uninspired as the previous batch.

Here, for instance, is the "new" Kinect Adventures! ad. And here's the "new" Kinect Sports (where's the exclamation point, Microsoft?) ad.
A third ad, which shows off the pricey peripheral's Minority Report-esque, gesture-and-voice controlled "dashboard," is more impressive, although I'm not sure that's saying much. (Watch it here.)
See also: 'It's déjà vu all over again' and 'No Kinect for you!' and 'This *almost* makes me want a Kinect'
kinekt will be so horrible :(
Sadly, I think you may be right. As much as I'm down on it, though, I hope I'm wrong that most of its games are going to be a laggy, uncontrollable mess. I mean, this *kind* of technology could be really cool for certain kinds of games if it worked properly. I'm just not so sure Kinect works properly...
I think maybe it's going to be juuuuuust bad enough to convince people to buy it yet work like the power glove or something...it looks cool, but is essentially a bomb.
I think there's no question it'll sell quite a few units this holiday season, but after the new year will be telling for its future -- whether it works or not. If MS can't keep the word of mouth going and can't keep the games coming, it's going to die on the vine.
Anyway, I think your Power Glove comparison is spot-on, Justin :)
Hey, what can I say? I've wasted plenty of money on things that bomb. I know what to look for! :-P
Me too! My brother loves to tell me that I always choose the "losing system." Ha! Well, not always, but many times (TurboGrafx, Saturn, Dreamcast, etc.).
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