Monday, October 25, 2010

As the baddies in River City Ransom say: BARF!

What's worse than the crew at the Home Shopping Network trying to hock the Kinect? Nothing, if the following video is any indication.

Of course, I'm sure their attempts to sell the Wii and the PlayStation Move (man, I really wish Sony had called it 'Gem' instead) were similarly horrible.

See also: 'Oprah pushes Kinect, audience explodes'


Viewtiful_Justin said...

I watched the first minute, and I cried. I hate it when people call systems and accessories a "game." I had to stop.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, yeah -- that poor HSN lady didn't have a clue as to what she was talking about! That experience paled in comparison to the agony that was watching her try to play Kinect Adventures, though :)

Mischievous Lumi said...

Wow, bad acting, and it looks like the Kinect doesn't even follow the movements correctly.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yeah, that's what bothered me the most, too, Luminairis -- the game(s) being played definitely seemed a bit (or a lot) laggy...