Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So, where's the Kuribo's Shoe plushie?

Deviantartist Michele Legendre (aka misscoffee) recently posted to her gallery a number of her handmade, game-inspired plushies. My favorite: The artist's absolutely adorable Tanooki Mario figure.

Misscoffee's Frog Suit Mario plushie is pretty fabulous, too, but I had to dock it a few points due to the fact that I've always hated the frog suit. (My least favorite of Mario's many power-ups? Possibly.)

BTW, if you're an Ice Climber fan, you have to check out (here) misscoffee's plushified versions of Popo and Nana.

(Via tomopop.com, by way of 4colorrebellion.com)


Viewtiful_Justin said...

ADORABLE!!!! Oh my gosh. Tanooki has always been my favorite Mario.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yeah, Tanooki Mario was the best -- no question. I can't even think of a runner-up at the moment...