Friday, July 16, 2010

I'll be back ...

... to normal next week.

I wasn't able to post as often as I would have liked this week due to having a lot on my plate professionally. (A blogger has to pay the bills, you know.) Next week should be much better, though, so expect things to get back to normal then.

Normally I'd post once or twice over the weekend, but I just got my copy of Dragon Quest IX (booyah!) and, honestly, I'd rather spend some quality time with it than with all of you. (Please don't take that personally.)


Bryan Ochalla said...

It was just pointed out to me that the header for this post has been "I'll Back Back" instead of "I'll Be Back" since Friday. LOL! Just goes to show where my head was last week :)

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Whoops! LOL Well, regardless of typos (it took me three tries to type that word), I understand. I'll be doing the same thing. It's too bad we can't conquer the world together!

Bryan Ochalla said...

It *is* too bad we can't play together. Oh, well, it would probably just make things worse anyway -- as in, I'd just want to play it more, which I'm not sure is possible at the moment.