Tuesday, May 25, 2010

PC Engine porn

Now that I've finally gotten my hands on a PC Engine, all I want to do is play it. Well, that and take photos of it.

Also, here are some Glamour Shots® of a few of the games I purchased alongside the system.

See also: 'I'm pretty sure this means I can die a happy man' and 'It's not all fun and games'


Hayden Scott-Baron said...

I'm deeply in love with the classic white PC Engine, I think it's the most attractive console ever made, and the hucards are great! I have no reason to buy one (because I have most of the games on other platforms) but I really want one. I totally respect you for buying this, especially the white one :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks, Hayden! It's nice to know someone shares my love of the classic white PC Engine :)

I actually bought one of the light gray Core Grafx II systems a few years ago, and although it was nice enough to look at it had nothing on the original white system.

BTW, I had no reason to buy one either, but I couldn't help myself. I've wanted one forever (or so it seems), so when the opportunity presented itself I took it.

Anyway, thanks again for the comment. Let me know if you ever get one yourself :)

Hayden Scott-Baron said...

In the very early nineties I lusted after the PC engine games in magazines, but it never received a UK release in any form!

Whenever there's opportunity to buy any of the 'better' PC engines I have no interest whatsoever, it has the be the classic white unit! I think I've decided that when I eventually take a trip to Japan I'll come back with a PC engine and collection of unidentifiable hucards! :3

That, or a 3AM moment of weakness of ebay!

I'll be sure to let you (and the world) know when I get one for myself! :D

Bryan Ochalla said...

Well, Hayden, I hope you make that trip to Japan (will you take me with you? please??) -- or have that 3 am moment of weakness on eBay -- soon :)

Viewtiful_Justin said...

That controller SMACKS of NES.

IvaNEC said...

It's a lot like the NES controller, but the trend for a long time in gaming was to take that basic design and add some buttons, bumps, and curves to it. Sure, the PCE controller bears a greater resemblance to its NES forebear than do most of the others that came along, but the PCE one came out earlier than those others.

I'm picky, but I really like the rounded d-pad on the PCE controller, much more than the bare cross-type pads that the NES and SNES controllers utilized.

Looking at the photos again, I'm reminded that the original PCE controller lacked turbo switches. I can't imagine playing the PC Genjins without 'em (for the sake of a continuous spin jump sans repeated button pressing)!

By the way, awesome photos Bryan.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Justin: Oh, yes, the controllers were very similar -- at least at the start. Later versions did add something to the conversation, though -- such as turbo triggers. Some had 3 or 6 buttons, too, if I'm remembering correctly.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Bah! Beaten to a bloody pulp by IvaNEC :) That's OK, 'cause your explanation was much better than mine.

Anyway, I agree, IvaNEC -- the PCE pad is quite nice, regardless of whether it copied (in some ways) the NES pad. You already pointed out the only negative of the pad's original incarnation -- the lack of turbo triggers. The system's later revisions (Cure Grafx, Core Grafx II and Shuttle) came with turbo pads, but not the white system, it seems.

Anyway, I'm going to have to get a turbo pad of some sort soon, as, just like you said, PC Genjin 1 and 2 are impossible without one! Ugh!! :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, and thanks for the compliment on the photos, IvaNEC!

IvaNEC said...

Yep, three- and six-button pads were eventually released as well. I bought an Avenue Pad 6 a few years ago and it's a darn good controller, very nice for SF2 and some of the other fighting games.

Bryan Ochalla said...

I think I'm going to have to get one of those (Avenue 6 pads) -- after I get a regular pad with turbo triggers, of course :)