Friday, April 23, 2010

'Good gravy!'

That's what the announcer says at the end of the latest Super Mario Galaxy 2 trailer. (Watch it here.)

As much as I agree with that statement, I think it should have been placed at the end of this trailer instead. Or, it could have been inserted into this gameplay video, which shows off the title's "Tall Trunk Galaxy."

Sorry, I couldn't find any safe-for-work images of the game's "Tall Trunk Galaxy."

Actually, now that I think about it, maybe Nintendo should give the game a subtitle? Super Mario Galaxy 2: Good Gravy! Yeah, that has a nice ring to it...


Viewtiful_Justin said...

Teases! All teases! I can't stand being teased! :-P I'm more excited for this than I should be. That's it! I'm applying at Wal Mart! :-P

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yeah, these teases are a bit cruel, if you ask me... ;)

Viewtiful_Justin said...

The cloud suit, though, looks AMAZING.

Bryan Ochalla said...

I'm more excited about the cloud suit than I am about anything else in the game, Justin!

Viewtiful_Justin said...

To be honest, I'm the least excited about that weird?

Maybe because the Yoshi stars in Super Mario Sunshine were so damn hard...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Huh. I'm pretty excited about Yoshi, but I understand what you're sayin' all the same.