Sunday, March 07, 2010

Well, I opened it ...

"It" being the sealed copy of Game & Watch Collection I mentioned last week.

I spent a few minutes playing each of the games included on this Club Nintendo-exclusive title yesterday, and although I enjoyed them (Donkey Kong especially) I doubt the cartridge will spend much time in my DS.

Oh, well, at least it was free.

See also: 'To open or not to open, that is the question ...'


  1. I lovei t. How'd you nab it, again?

  2. It was a Club Nintendo "reward," Justin. I think I had to spend 800 of my 1100 (or so) Club Nintendo points to get it.

    You're a member of Club Nintendo, right? If not, you should be! You get points for registering systems and games -- and then you can use those points to get prizes/rewards (like the Game & Watch Collection).

  3. I'm NOT! I didn't really even know about that.

  4. Well, get to it, man! It's free, and you can redeem your points for rewards. Most of them suck, but they're better then nothing :)
