Sunday, March 07, 2010

Well, I opened it ...

"It" being the sealed copy of Game & Watch Collection I mentioned last week.

I spent a few minutes playing each of the games included on this Club Nintendo-exclusive title yesterday, and although I enjoyed them (Donkey Kong especially) I doubt the cartridge will spend much time in my DS.

Oh, well, at least it was free.

See also: 'To open or not to open, that is the question ...'


Viewtiful_Justin said...

I lovei t. How'd you nab it, again?

Bryan Ochalla said...

It was a Club Nintendo "reward," Justin. I think I had to spend 800 of my 1100 (or so) Club Nintendo points to get it.

You're a member of Club Nintendo, right? If not, you should be! You get points for registering systems and games -- and then you can use those points to get prizes/rewards (like the Game & Watch Collection).

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I'm NOT! I didn't really even know about that.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Well, get to it, man! It's free, and you can redeem your points for rewards. Most of them suck, but they're better then nothing :)