Friday, March 12, 2010

More proof that I'm a pathetic geek

Late last year, I purchased (via eBay) the UK versions of the first two Professor Layton titles.

Why, you ask? Honestly, I prefer the artwork used on the European versions of the games to the artwork used on the American/Japanese versions of the games.

Also, I prefer the clear plastic boxes used to house European DS games to the black boxes used elsewhere in the world.

Thankfully, I picked up both for about the same amount of money I would have spent on their American counterparts.

By the way, if you consider yourself a Layton fan, be sure to check out this awesome piece of fan art from Shitekudasai.

See also: 'Raise your hand if you own games you've yet to play' and 'To open or not to open, that is the question ...' and 'It's show-and-tell time!'


Viewtiful_Justin said...

Love it! I still have yet to get Diabolical Box...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Well, if you liked the first, you'll definitely like the second. Hopefully the third will be announced for release in Australia/Europe/NA soon...

Viewtiful_Justin said...

That would be nice.

Bryan Ochalla said...

I'm sure it'll be announced/released sooner or later. The first sold really well in the US, and both versions have sold well in Europe. I guess I'll have to pony up for the UK version when it comes out -- since I bought the UK versions of the first two and all :)