Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Why couldn't I get one of these with my copy of Shiren the Wanderer?

When Fūrai no Shiren 3: Karakuri Yashiki no Nemuri-Hime (aka Shiren the Wanderer) was released in Japan last year, those who pre-ordered the title received an adorable Wii remote stand in the shape of Shiren's weasel companion, Koppa.

What did gamers in the States get for pre-ordering the title, which hit (some) store shelves yesterday? A big, fat sack of nothing, that's what.

I really shouldn't complain, as I failed to pre-order the game despite my current infatuation with the roguelike genre. The promise of an adorable Wii remote stand, though, probably would have pushed me to do just that.

Buy: Shiren the Wanderer

(Via joystiq.com)


Viewtiful_Justin said...

Dang. That's kind of a drag, really. I feel cheated, as usual.

Preordering games is a wonderful thing. It gives me an excuse to go on the day it comes out and pick it up. "Oh, well I preordered it when I had more money, so...now I'm obligated to buy it."

Less guilt. It's all about the guilt.

Gertie said...

That's pretty adorable...

Bryan Ochalla said...

I agree completely, Justin. Sadly, I rarely pre-order games these days. I think I'm worried that I'll change my mind by the time the game ships.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Gertie! You're back!! Thanks for the comment :) Oh, and it *is* pretty darn adorable, isn't it? I wonder how much one costs on eBay...