John Christensen, a doctoral student in the University of Southern California's Department of Psychology, recently e-mailed me to let me know he and a few of his colleagues are creating an online video game aimed at the LGBT community.
According to Christensen, the game, which is expected to be released next year and will be free to play, allows players to "go on a series of 'virtual' dates and hook-ups with different characters. Your character will even be able to have virtual sex on these dates.
"It's kind of like a 'choose your own adventure' game," he adds, "that is designed to be very sexy while also addressing some of the social and health issues facing gay and bi men, including tips on how to find the perfect guy and how to avoid STDs."
Christensen and his crew are looking for a bit of help while they fine tune their product. Anyone willing to fill out an anonymous survey on the project's website (www.virtualsexproject.com) will be entered into a drawing for $200. Additional volunteers will be asked to test and provide feedback on the game when it's released next year.