Here's tidbit of info I'll bet you didn't know: The Koopa Kids (or Koopalings, depending on which way you swing) were pegged, at one point, to be the bosses in Super Princess Peach. At least, that's what the guy/gal responsible for Random Hoo Haas has discovered.

Descriptions of the other Koopa Kids' animations and probable attacks can be found here. After you check them out, take a second (or two) to check out the rest of the games highlighted in the "Oh! My God!! Why'd They Change That?" section of Random Hoo Haas. If you're a retro-gaming geek like I am, you won't regret it.
Hm. I wonder why they scrapped them. Who ARE the bosses of that game? I've never played it...
I wonder why they scraped them, too. Maybe they were too challenging, or they didn't fit in with the game for some reason--or maybe Nintendo stepped in at some point (since the game was developed by Tose, not in-house) and said, "No, we should save them for the next Mario game."
The bosses that actually appear in the final version are a mix of classic Mario baddies (a Piranha Plant, a Boo) and new baddies that seem to have been created specifically for this title (an owl, an ice dragon). They're nice enough, really, but I would have preferred the Koopa Kids :)
Well yeah, anyone with half a brain can see the Koopa Kids are a no-brainer. And Wendy O. Koopa? My favorite, too.
Ah! I just noticed that I wrote "scraped" instead of "scrapped" in my last comment. Oh, well ;) Anyway, like you say, the Koopa Kids are a no-brainer :)
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